simple, but not easy

thoughts on investing

The best businesses to own

In a 2014 interview, Carol Loomis, Warren Buffett’s de facto editor in chief, asked him, what is a good business. “A good business is the one that earns a high rate of return on tangible assets. That's pretty simple,” he said. “The very best businesses are the ones that earn a high rate of return on tangible assets and grow.” How can you not love Warren Buffett? Like his late business partner Charlie Munger, he often distills decades of experience, knowledge and wisdom into short, memorable, g

The journey begins

My investing journey began in May of 2008.  I opened a Roth IRA with $500 I had saved up from my modest wages, typed “Apple” in E*TRADE's search bar, and proceeded to buy as many shares of AAPL as I could afford.